Mineral Deposit Type Target(s)

  • Large-scale Chibougamau Gold-Copper Shear Vein Deposit Types

Rumble Resources Ltd owns 80% of E51/1677 and owns 100% of E51/1919 and E51/1927 that form the Munarra Gully Project some 50km NNE of the town of Cue within the Murchison Goldfields.

Image 1 – Munarra Gully Project – Location of Prospect over Regional Magnetics

Amaryllis Gold-Copper-Silver-Zinc Prospect

The Amaryllis Prospect lies within E51/1919 (RTR 100%). Drilling at the Amaryllis Prospect has identified:

  • Over 2400m of Au-Cu-Ag mineralised strike – Completely open along strike and down-dip (down-plunge).
  • The Au-Cu-Ag mineralisation is in wide alteration zones up to 50m true width
  • Over 15km’s of shear zone untested
  • RC drilling has demonstrated strong strike and dip length continuity of Au-Cu-Ag mineralisation.

Significant Au-Cu-Ag mineralisation: 

  • 57m @ 0.85 g/t Au, 0.27% Cu 4.2 g/t Ag from 100m (AMRc015)
  • 40m @ 0.89 g/t Au, 0.39% Cu, 5.7 g/t Ag from 108m (AMRC016)
  • 8m @ 1.11% Cu, 0.88 g/t Au, 11.8 G/t Ag from 102m (AMRC003)

High-grade Au mineralisation:

  • 2m @ 13.45 g/t Au from 92m (AMRC012)
  • 4m @ 6.21 g/t Au from 94m (AMRC006 – 4m composites)

Image 2 – Amaryllis Au-Cu-Ag Prospect – MLEM Conductors and Rumble RC Drilling over AMAG

Image 3 – Munarra Gully Project – Plan of Inferred Location of Intermediate Rocks over AMAG RTP 1VD Magnetics

Image 4 – Amaryllis Prospect – Calytrix Zone – Drill Hole Plan with Results

Geological Comparison – Chibougamau Gold Copper Shear Vein Deposit Type

Drilling, mapping and subsequent petrographic and mineragraphic studies by Rumble has inferred the style of mineralisation as Au-Cu-Ag shear vein type (epigenetic) in association with overprinting of potential distal low to high tenor base metal volcanogenic mineralisation (VMS). Exploration has determined the following: 

  • Host rocks are dacitic to intermediate extrusives and high-level intrusives
  • Host rocks are feldspar phyric (porphyritic)
  • Mineralisation is pyrite-chalcopyrite+/-pyrrhotite+/-sphalerite
  • Mineralisation is associated with intensely sheared (mylonitic) sericite-muscovite-chlorite-silica zones partitioned throughout weakly foliated to massive dacite to intermediate host. The mineralised shear is up to 50m in width.
  • Alteration is carbonate (ankerite) – epidote – Kspar – tourmaline. 

The style of mineralisation has very similar characteristics with Chibougamau Au-Cu-Ag shear vein style deposits located in the eastern part of the Abitibi Greenstone Belt in Quebec, Canada. At Chibougamau, major (later) shearing has overprinted earlier deformation within an area of high-level porphyries (Au-Mo-Cu) and minor VMS that have intruded into early sediments and mafic intrusive complex rock types.

Of Note: Chibougamau Au-Cu-Ag shear vein style deposits have produced 3.5 million oz (gold) and 1 million copper metal tonnes at an average weighted grade of 1.76% Cu and 2.05 g/t Au. Some of the deposits at Chibougamau have been mined down to 1.1km in depth.

At Amaryllis, there is evidence with respect to peripheral Zn +/- Pb +/- Cu anomalism in shales, metal may have been partly sourced from distal low order VMS systems possibly associated with the dacite to andesite extrusive and intrusive belt.

Table 1 – Geological Comparisons – Amaryllis Prospect and Chibougamau Au Cu Deposit Types

Image 5 – Geological Model – Amaryllis Prospect and Chibougamau Au Cu Deposit Types