The Company is committed to implementing the highest standards of corporate governance. In determining what those high standards should involve the Company has turned to the ASX Corporate Governance Council’s Principles and Recommendations.
The Company is pleased to advise that the Company’s practices are largely consistent with those ASX guidelines. As consistency with the guidelines has been a gradual process, where the Company did not have certain policies or committees recommended by the ASX Corporate Governance Council (the Council) in place during the reporting period, we have identified such policies or committees.

Where the Company’s corporate governance practices do not correlate with the practices recommended by the Council, the Company is working towards compliance however it does not consider that all the practices are appropriate for the Company due to the size and scale of Company operations.

Share Registry

Automic Group

Level 2, 267 St Georges Terrace
Perth, Western Australia 6000

GPO Box 5193
Sydney, NSW 2001

Phone: 1300 288 664 (within Australia)​ or

+61 2 9698 5414 (outside Australia)

Appendix 4G (332kb)


Corporate Governance Statement (381kb)


Appendix 4G and Corporate Governance Statement (481kb)


Corporate Governance Plan – Rumble Resources (354kb)
